Thursday, September 28, 2006

Recently i happened to read an article in INDIA TODAY which narrated various strikes and agitation that aroused in various parts of the country.To quote a few ,National Students Union of India activists blackened the face of the professor of Wilson college-Mumbai, in front of TV cameras for molestin a female student.Then the students of DAV college for women-Chandigarh boycotted the classes when the principal threathened to rusticate a gal student for usin mobile phones in college campus.Above all, the students of Sathyabama Deemed University set the college campus in fire when they got to know that the college and the degree they hold where not accrediated by All India Council For Technical Education.....
The list did not end wit goes on n on!!!!!!
India is a country where the youth of today are considered as pillars of tomorrow.But unfortunately the happenings across the country raises questions about the future of a developin country.From these instances it is clear that the students are not the only one who should be blamed for al these.The teachers ,parents,society ,media and everybody share equal guilt in these instances. It clearly deliniates the fact that the fundamentals of education is gettin dwindled by the mishandlin of the sysetm by the guardians of the society. By this i mean that the education system is not satisfyin the necessity of the nation rather it sets wrong examples to the next generation which is more alarmin than the current situation itself.......
Among the causes for this chaos the deterioratin realtionship between the students and teachers plays a major role...
"Matha Pitha GURU Theivam"..
Aeons ago , after parents,teachers where given prime importance in an individuals life.In those days teachers where respected and adored by their students for the valuable contribution they made in each and every ones life.The profession itself gained respect from people of al status.they where praised for their noble deed.... truly a deed indeed.. But today...???
Except for few many of them do not have any passion for their profession.. they are not in par wit the gurus in the ancient times.In few cases they even dont fit to be called as humans... (for instance the Wilson College Professor)
By these i don't mean to say that al teachers are like that.There are few exceptions.... i would never forget ma GURU MRS.SARADHA NATARAJAN, ma music teacher who not only thought me music but also ethics of life... She was about some 50 years old when i learnt music from her.Her dedication and passion for music at that age is mind would hardly find a person of that character.Even in ma school and college i found few staffs who stood as an eptiome of a teacher.But not all!!!!
As far as the students of this generation is concerned they want everythin to happen in a fraction of second.There are two set of students ,one of them are those who dont aim for the sky but for the stars and never fail to ve their own dreams which is a positive sign of growth.And the second are those who wants three things in their life it is FUN FUN FUN..
So where does the students need their teachers help?????
Among the two sets the students of second category requires the love and guidance of their teacher before it is too late.But unfortunately most teachers do not do this , rather they punish them severly for smal mistakes they do... it widens the gap between the teacher and the student and aggravates anger and vengeance.As Aristolte says"Youth think they know everythin and watever they do is right".... a fact which cannot be denied at any a solution to this problem can be brought only by the teachers who needs to think of a better strategy to deal wit these young minds.Afterall they are the proud parents of al the children under the sky!!! an undisputable post indeed!!!!


Blogger Priya Muthuswamy said...

truly n frankly speakin, tis s a twin sharin resposiblity by de students as well as de teachers!! de students shud also quit de mentality of I M DE MASTER n de teachers shud also quit de mentality of DON CARE MASTER!! wen rite things r pointed out by de teachers at de rite time in a way tat s reachable to de students, they shud also atleast make an attempt to abide by t!! afteral, t s de giv n tak policy which s runnin de show here too!!! so here definitly one catagory of peopl alon cant be blamed!!! t has various extranious factors playing its prominent role lik de background of de students, de moral standards of de institutions in whic de teachers r employed etc!!!

10:21 AM  

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